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History Of Dental Implants

Dental Implants Dallas TXImplants are a relatively common procedure now, but it has taken them a very long time to get where they are today. Here at Dallas Prosthodontics, our team leaders, Drs. Castellon and Buskin, want to help you attain that healthy and cosmetically appealing smile that you have been dreaming of. Dental implants are a great way to do just that! Understanding what you are getting yourself into, though, is integral to the process, so we want to give you all the information that we can ahead of time. Please give us a call with any questions you may have.

What are Dental Implants?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, nothing does quite the job of dental implants. Today, these are small titanium posts that we can surgically install into your jaw to act as a synthetic tooth root. We can attach some false teeth to them depending on your needs, and they come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, ensuring that we can find the perfect match for your mouth and bone.

Where Do They Come From?

There have been some different methods for dental implants over the years, but the earliest use of false teeth that we have found is actually from China. 4,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese used bamboo rods to fill in the gaps of missing teeth. They weren’t particularly functional, nor were they cosmetically appealing. Soon after these, archeologists have found the use of copper (in Egypt), and iron (in a Celtic grave in France) pegs used as teeth, hammered into the jaws of the bodies they found. Having this implanted would have been beyond agonizing, so it is predicted that these were installed after the patient’s death. After that, there have been archaeological digs that turned up the use of animal teeth in place of patients’ teeth- waste not, wants not in a sense.

However, fast forward 2,000 years, and we find ourselves in a very different world of dental implants. In the 18th century, dentists began experimenting with different metals and alloys (such as gold) to try and replace teeth. These did not yield promising results. These metals simply would not bond properly. In 1886, a platinum disk was used with a porcelain crown, again, without success. It was not until 1952 that a dentist stumbled across the bonding qualities associated with titanium when a rabbit’s broken femur was supported with titanium and the metal fused to the bone. The first titanium dental implant was placed in 1965. Since then, we have simply built them to be better, using a rough screw as the implant (improves fusion between metal and bone) and screwing (or cementing) a crown or other dental appliance on top.

Dental implants have come a long, long way. Drs. Castellon and Buskin are experts when it comes to implants and their uses today, and Dallas Prosthodontics is the place to go for safe and confident tooth replacement. We will ensure comfort and quality the whole way. Give us a call today and see what we can do for you.

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History of Dental Implants | Dallas Prosthodontics - Dallas, TX
There have been some different methods for dental implants over the years, but the earliest use of false teeth that we have found is actually from China. Click the link to learn more.
Dallas Prosthodontics, 6029 Belt Line Road, Suite 120, Dallas, TX 75254, (972) 503-7200,, 9/6/2024, Page Keywords: dental implants Dallas TX,