The Benefits of Dental Implants
Dallas, TX
Dental implants are small, titanium rods that are surgically placed into your jawbone. As you heal,
the rods fuse with bone providing a strong, stable support for your false teeth. Implants are made up of three parts: the rod (which is placed in the jaw), the abutment (which is attached to the top) and the
crown (which attaches to the abutment). Once in place, you will have a complete, functional and beautiful smile. At Dallas Prosthodontics, dental implants are one of our most popular choices for dealing with tooth loss and they offer numerous benefits.
Improved Eating
Missing teeth, even a few, can have a significant impact on your ability to eat. Digestion starts with your teeth as they break down food making nutrients more accessible. If you can’t effectively break down your food your body will have a harder time absorbing those nutrients. Dentures can help but they can slip, hindering the chewing process.
Implants and the ceramic crowns that replace your teeth act just like natural teeth, restoring your ability to eat properly. Not only is eating easier again, you can once again completely break down your food. This means better nutrient absorption, which means better overall health.
Better Speech
Your teeth not only break down food, but they also help you to speak properly and be understood when you do so. This is because your teeth control air flow and your tongue comes in contact with the ones in front to make certain sounds. With
dentures, you have a foreign object in your mouth that takes time to get used to, which means you have to alter the way you speak. If the denture slips, it can cause you to have a lisp. Implants don’t present this problem and getting your normal speech back is a simple process.
Dentures are removable and they require a lot of careful care and maintenance. You need to remove them every night and clean them with a soft bristled brush and soak them overnight. You will need to use a special denture-cleaning agent because regular toothpaste can be abrasive and leave microscopic scratches that can then harbor bacteria, increasing your risk of developing gum disease. With implants, the crowns are made from ceramic and can be cared for just like your natural teeth. They are not removable (unless you choose
removable overdentures) and do not require soaking.
Dentures are made with an acrylic base that rests directly on your gums, which puts pressure on your gums and restricts blood flow. It is important that they should be left out every night so your gums can rest. The dentures can slip out of place which happens more frequently as your jaw changes and your dentures no longer fit properly. This slipping can rub against your gums, causing denture sores and pain. As where implants support your false teeth and do not rest on your gums and therefore blood flow is not impeded, nor do implants shift around in your mouth.
Natural Appearance
Even with all of the advancements in denture technology, it is still possible to tell you are wearing them. Implants, on the other hand, look completely natural. Your gums are not covered up and the tissue can form right around the ceramic crowns, creating a natural smile.
Maintain Jaw Health
When you lose your teeth, your jawbone begins to resorb. This happens because your body stops sending as many nutrients to the jaw. The roots of your teeth stimulate the bone, which transmits the message for vitamins and minerals and without teeth there is no communication. Implants mimic the roots of your teeth, so that message is still sent. Your jawbone maintains strength, which means it doesn’t change shape. Therefore, you do not need to worry about replacing your implants every few years as you would with dentures. However,
dental implants still need to be taken good care of with annual dental cleanings and exams.
With dental implants, you get your life and your smile back.